Visitor's Programme

Attracting Talent with Flexible Visitor Options

QDNL invites talented individuals to participate in our community through multiple collaborative channels. The goal is to leave no talent behind by accommodating the goals and educational trajectory of prospective members.

Our visitor programme aspires to further broaden the international appeal of Quantum Delta NL by offering sabbatical stays and supporting exchange visits for Ph.D. students, postdocs, and other stakeholders across the QDNL network. 

Our outgoing visitors serve as ambassadors who visit leading institutions across the globe not just to learn the latest techniques and innovations, but also to spread our knowledge while helping form important collaborations. 

The programme is open to applications across the domains of science, education and Industry.

What can be applied for?

Sabbatical (max. 6 months)

For sabbatical visits of key figures from the international quantum technology field, the Quantum Delta program makes available a standard budget of 5000 Euros per month (excluding a one-time travel allowance). The allocated budget is a contribution to the costs incurred by the applicant and can be used for travel and accommodation expenses.

The visitor is expected to contribute to knowledge exchange in the field of quantum information technology in general, and at least one of the catalyst (CAT) programs and Lines of Action (AL) of the Quantum Delta NL programme in particular. Possible activities include seminars, lecture series, instruction of specialized equipment, etc. These activities are described in the application form and in a concise final report at the end of the sabbatical, that will serve as the basis for a QDNL news item.

It is also possible to request a contribution for a sabbatical at a foreign knowledge institution or company for applicants with a (permanent) appointment in the Netherlands. Such a contribution will be granted in the form of co-financing, i.e. in addition to funds from the own employer and the receiving party. As a guideline, a maximum of €2,500 per month applies.

Exchange visits (max. 6 months)

This action facilitates the exchange of people between Quantum Delta NL and foreign organizations. universities and institutes, in both directions. It is intended e.g. for Ph.D. students or postdocs for a research visit, or for companies/SMEs/investors to visit one or more of the QDNL hubs. It is not intended for conference or workshop attendance. The goal of your visit should be connected to the QDNL goals and ambitions or research that is in line with the National Agenda Quantum Technology.

The maximum length of a visit is 6 months and the standard monthly budget is 1600 euros (excluding a one-time travel allowance). The allocated budget is a contribution to the costs incurred by the organization and can be used for travel and accommodation expenses.

A short (research) plan at the start of the visit and a concise final report that will serve as the basis for a QDNL news item are part of the application/completion.


For the organization of Workshops and Schools (often these are Summer Schools), funding can be requested based on a proposed program and budget estimate. Quantum Delta NL contributes a maximum of 50% of the total costs with a maximum of €10,000. The funding is for facilitation purposes only.

The Schools and Workshops are expected to contribute to network development and specialist training aimed at young researchers and developers in the quantum technology field.

A concise final report of the Workshop/School that will serve as the basis for a QDNL news item is part of the completion.

Terms & Conditions

  • Applications can be done by knowledge institutions, companies, civil society organizations and schools.

  • Companies and civil society organizations can apply jointly with a knowledge institution, but this is not a prerequisite (but has to be in compliance with the Dutch state aid regulations).

  • The QDNL allowance is a contribution to the total costs of your activity.

  • Sustainable travel should be promoted.

  • For every request, a mandatory concise final report should be submitted at the end of the visit/school/workshop.

  • The QDNL visitors committee will assess proposals.

How to apply?

The visitor programme is open for submission of applications the whole year round.

If you would like to submit a request, please use the visitor request form (detailed instructions can be found below).
Do take into account that the approval process can take up to a month so please submit your request well in advance of your actual visit.

Visitor's Programme Update: Gilles Brassard, Juan Carlos Hernandez, Galina Pass

Recently we had the honour to welcome two visitors to our community: Prof. Dr. Gilles Brassard at QuSoft in Amsterdam and PhD student Juan Carlos Hernandez Hernandez at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Galina Pass, PhD student at the QuSoft department at the University of Amsterdam, visited the Université Paris Cité.

Read more about these visits

Visitor's Programme Update: Kareljan Schoutens & Garazi Muguruza Lasa

This time we highlight two outbound visits: Kareljan Schoutens, who visited the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics of the University of Oxford and Garazi Muguruza Lasa, who visited the Quantum Information team at Sorbonne University in Paris.


Visitor's Programme Update: Alex Alvarado & Junqiao Lin

This time we highlight two outbound visits. Last year, Alex Alvarado visited LuxQuanta in Barcelona and Junquiao Lin visited the University of Copenhagen.


Visitor's Programme Update: Yunus Can Gültekin & Fenglei Gu

This time we highlight two outbound visits. Last year, Yunus Can Gültekin visited LuxQuanta in Spain and Fenglei Gu visited the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. 


Visitor's Programme Update: Francesca Fama & Quinten Tupker

This time we highlight two outbound visits. Last year, Francesca Fama and Quinten Tupker both visited host institutes in the United States. 


Visitor's Programme Update: Leo RADZIHOVSKY

This time we highlight the inbound visit of Leo Radzihovsky, who visited our Eindhoven hub.


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